Marsha Acker

“I have found the behavioural lens to be one of the most transformational ways to support leaders in their development. We are complex human beings and we tend to show up differently in different contexts. In my own leadership, understanding behaviours has allowed me to expand my range of behaviour and to be more intentional. I also have a greater understanding of why I do what I do, what scenarios will raise the stakes for me, and where some of those behaviours originated. I have personally seen leadership teams change the culture of their organisation by becoming more aware of their behaviour – both individually and collectively – and how the words they use and the way in which they engage in conversation is directly correlated to the culture of the organization. The lens of behaviour and conversation is such important work. The capability and capacity of leaders to be able to adapt and respond to anything that comes their way is determined by their ability to skillfully navigate low and high stakes.”

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